Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Notches, Notches, Everywhere! The notch trend in modern mobile devices is a dead horse beaten; that’s for certain. By now we accept, albeit with some embarrassment, that Android OEMs are copying Cupertino’s lead rather mindlessly; BGR readers are squealing with…
This design patent, titled, “Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface,” gives Apple the exclusive rights to the page turn in an e-reader application. Yes, that’s right. Apple now owns the page turn. You know, as when…
Well, can’t say we didn’t see this coming. Now that Samsung is selling more volume than Apple, it only makes sense for Samsung to push Apple away from it’s manufacturing; Samsung needs the capacity for the S4. Every iPhone or…
Yesterday, Judge Koh issued a statement saying that at a December 6th hearing, “the Court will consider the questions of whether the jury foreperson concealed information during voir dire [jury selection], whether any concealed information was material, and whether any…
Apple. Apple. Apple. After going to court in the UK and accusing Samsung of copying the iPad, Apple ultimately lost the lawsuit and was ordered by the judge to post a statement on their website saying Samsung did not copy…
Really? You could end up paying over $600 for an iPad mini, that’s crazy if true. Check out the link for iPad mini news: